Project Update

April 25, 2022

ClimateLand: An AR Experience for iPad

App project aims to provide information regarding the alarming rate of temperature increases in the world today.

Project Dates: April 2022

Built with: SwiftUI, RealityKit, XCode Reality Composer

An example screen of ClimateLand explaining the relevant scientific background of temperature rises.

Up to a certain point of warming, humans can adapt to a new normal of limited resources, economic degrowth, and environmental rehabilitation. But if greenhouse gas emissions heat the planet further, the ecological and climate systems that humans have relied on for millennia will unravel, and the planet will become hostile for all species. That’s why it’s so important to keep temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, as stipulated in the Paris climate agreement.

This is the scenario that the world’s leading scientists, under the auspices of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, claimed we must stay within to save the planet. My app project explores some of the consequences of not meeting those goals we set and offers some concrete ways citizens can engage in personal lifestyle choices that bring impactful benefits for the planet.

The app presents users with consequences of missing the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature rise mark set by scientists.

Implementation details

The app project was firstly built using Reality Composer and the .reality project was brought into Playgrounds using RealityKit. The .reality project uses a lot of built in components and custom behavioral triggers and animations to bring home the ideas of the app project. See the resources section for a link to download the .reality project file.

ClimateLand shows users ways they can chip in the effort to meet the temperature rise mark through individual actions.


.reality Project

.reality Project



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©2024 Evangelos Kassos